Monday, March 17, 2008

Snow in March???

Oh my goodness!!! Who would have thought...snow...March...Texas... It was quite a surprise and we had such a fun time playing in it. Audrey didn't know what to do. It was pretty windy and still snowing and she didn't like the snow hitting her face so she didn't last very long. Gavin on the other hand had a blast. I wouldn't even try to guess how many snowballs he made and threw at all the kids and parents out playing. We tried making a snowman, but of course Gavin thought it would be funny to jump in the middle of it. So we gave up on that idea. After about 45 minutes of playing in it he looked at me and said,"Mommy, I'm ready to go inside. I'm almost freezing." So stinkin cute! I'm so glad we had some snow and the kids got to have a little taste of what it's like. Maybe next year we will have 2 days of never know.

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