Thursday, March 11, 2010
Crazy Week!
For some reason the rest of the week has been super busy. I'm not sure what I've been doing but I sure haven't had a lot of down time. Running errands....that's all I ever do these days. Returns...why do I have so many things to return??? Good question.
I started going to the gym with my dad this week too and that's been super nice not having to fit in a workout in between Sutton's naptime and getting Gavin and Audrey occupied for an hour. Not to mention I'm getting a little burnt out on watching Jillian videos. I took a step class yesterday with him which was a lot of fun. He is a step pro and I told him I had only taken one step class before in my life and it wasn't pretty so I never went back. So halfway through the class he came over and told me he was very disappointed, he was expecting me to be way more of a klutz than I was. Thanks Dad!! He said it took him a year to get as good as I was. What? I'm sure I wasn't that good, I felt lost most of the time. As soon as I would get a little routine she would go on to a new one. Anyway, I'm excited to be able to go to the gym and have the kids taken care of. What a nice break it's been.
Soccer practice tonight....Whew Hoo! Not looking forward to sitting in the cold and possibly rain with all the kids and no Steven there to help. He is working late. Boo!
Monday, March 8, 2010
Friday, March 5, 2010
Sutton's Photo Shoot
Audrey's 4th Birthday

Sutton's 1st Birthday Party
Your statistics on your birthday at your 1 year doctor's appt were
- Height - 31 inches (51%)
- Weight - 20 lbs. 7 oz (13%)
- Head Circ - 45.5 (21%)
You are such a big boy these days and an independent little guy as well. You can say Dadda, Momma, Bubba, Ball and Bath. I'm probably leaving some out but that's off the top of my head. You are eating everything I put in front of you. You love every kind of fruit there is and are getting quite picky about your veggies. You absolutely love balls. We think you may be the athlete of the family b/c you walk around with Gavin's basketball and you bounce it, we think you are trying to dribble already. The first thing you say every morning when I get you out of your bed while looking around on the floor is, "Ball?" You also love taking a bath. I was changing your clothes the other day not even near the bathroom and you looked at me and said,"Bath?" Nope, not bathtime right now. Your little personality is developing more everyday and is so stinkin cute. You love to give hugs and sugars which consists of more of a head bonk than a kiss but I'll take it anyday.
We are so lucky to have you in our family and look forward to many more birthdays to come.