Friday, June 26, 2009

All Caught Up-Last few random pictures

I can't believe it!!! I am finally all caught up posting pictures. It's funny to post 4 months in such a small span of time I feel like I've been really busy with all sorts of activities when in reality it's been over a long period of time.

Sutton is 4 months old now and such a sweet boy. He got in his jumper for the first time this week and loves it. He just bobs around a little bit, nothing too crazy.

Ok, now here is the test to see if I can keep up with posting regularly. That is the plan so keep checking back for the latest Greathouse happenings.

Slip and Slide Fun

Steven bribed the kids the other night to go to sleep. He told them if they went to sleep without getting up or talking that he would take them to Target in the morning and let them pick something out for $10 or less. Gavin picked a slip and slide and Audrey got a new garden set.

Pulliam Reunion

My cousin Amy from California came to Fort Worth to visit and brought her daughter Isabella and son Holden. We used it as an excuse to get everyone together a few times. We had a playdate at my Aunt Ellen's house. The kids played playdoh, colored, ate snacks and decorated cookies. Fun was had by all. Thanks Aunt Ellen for putting it together and having us out!!!!

Baby Holden, Elena, Gregory, Eva, Audrey, Baby Sutton, Gavin, Bates and Isabella didn't want to cooperate so that is Amy holding her up behind the couch. HA!!

Audrey and Gavin eating their decorated creations

The two newest Pulliam additions, Holden and Sutton

PlayDoh Fun
We went out for a cousins dinner to Joe T's. We all had a really good time and everyone came back to our house for a bit after dinner.
Parker, Brett, Matt, Laura, Carrie, Chris, Me, Amy---First Cousins

The boys at the end of the table....Steven, Jacob, Aaron, Parker, Brett, Chris and Matt

My sis Carrie, and brother inlaw Cory
Then we had a get together at my dad's new house. All the kids had a blast swimming and playing. It's amazing how much we have all grown up and it's so much fun seeing all of our kids together.
Audrey, Gavin, Isabella and Gregory at the bar eating lunch

Carrie's oldest, Connor
Audrey, Caden (Carrie's youngest) and Gavin eating ice cream and popsicles

Audrey in her yellow polka dot bikini

I love this onesie, I think I just love his cute



Sutton Boppy

I used to leave Sutton on our bed in the boppy and he would be happy to just watch the fan. The last time I did it I came back in the room and he had shimmied his way off of it backwards. I guess that is the last time I do that again. It made for a cute photo op though. He looked pretty proud of himself.

Sutton was 3 months old in May

I can't believe my baby boy is growing so big so fast. I so want the time to slow down so he can continue to be a baby for longer. What a sweet boy he is. He is so content most of the time and gets a little cranky when he's hungry but that's about it. 3 months old and still has a foe hawk.

Washing Cars

Washing the cars is always so much fun for kids, getting soapy and wet and throwing rags at each other. The best!!!

The Many Faces of Audrey Kay

Audrey and I were playing in Sutton's room and decided to take some silly pictures. My future little actress. Can you say drama queen???

Gavin's Graduation

Gavin had his graduation from preschool except he really isn't graduating yet. His birthday is September 14 and when we signed up for his school they didn't have any openings in the 3 year old class so they let him go to the 4 year old class. He will be in the same class next year so we will have another graduation in 2010.
This is his class. All of his classmates will be in kindergarten next year except for Gavin and one other little girl whom he loves.

Austin Fishing Trip

We took our first roadtrip with our new Family of 5 to Austin to stay at Lake Travis with Papaw, Ann, Aunt Diane and Uncle Ellis and cousin Laura and Aaron. We had such a fun weekend relaxing, eating and fishing. We spent the night at Aunt Diane's house on Thursday night in Austin then loaded up Friday and headed to the Rod and Gun Club at the lake. We had a mexican feast Friday night and then Uncle Ellis had his famous fish fry on Saturday. There was a cold spell on Saturday and we all had to bundle up with what clothes we had. We were totally caught off guard by the chilly weather. Hopefully we will get to go back in August and catch some more fish.

Gavin and Audrey fishing in the crappie house

Gavin's first fish to catch for the weekend. Daddy told him you have to kiss your first fish for good luck but Gavin didn't buy it, he wouldn't even touch it.

Audrey's first fish to catch EVER!!! She was so proud.

Audrey's Dance Recital

Audrey had her first dance recital in May. Her dance was called Raz-A-Ma-Taz and she did a fantastic job. She did the entire dance on stage at Will Rogers. While she was dancing she looked around at all the other girls, who were just standing there, and you could tell she was thinking,"Why aren't you dancing? You are supposed to be dancing." We were so proud of her for doing all the steps and singing her little heart out. Go Audrey!!!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Random Sutton pics

Just hanging out with Baby Sutton. Gavin and Audrey are so good with him and love him so much. They love having him around and try to make him laugh and smile all the time.

I love this picture...look at that tiny little hand.

Big eyes...I have a picture of Audrey that looks so similar to this one. I will eventually post pictures of the two of them that look like the same baby. It will be interesting to see what Sutton looks like as he gets older...a boy version of Audrey Kay.

Sutton Bathtime

These are random shots of Sutton taking a bath.

Supper Club Easter

My goodness, we have a lot of Easter celebrations. We had an impromptu Easter egg hunt at the Sallings with Supper Club. I can't believe how big our kids are getting.

Easter Day

This is Easter day at Grandma and Grandpa's. We ate a yummy lunch and hunted Easter eggs.