Friday, June 26, 2009

Pulliam Reunion

My cousin Amy from California came to Fort Worth to visit and brought her daughter Isabella and son Holden. We used it as an excuse to get everyone together a few times. We had a playdate at my Aunt Ellen's house. The kids played playdoh, colored, ate snacks and decorated cookies. Fun was had by all. Thanks Aunt Ellen for putting it together and having us out!!!!

Baby Holden, Elena, Gregory, Eva, Audrey, Baby Sutton, Gavin, Bates and Isabella didn't want to cooperate so that is Amy holding her up behind the couch. HA!!

Audrey and Gavin eating their decorated creations

The two newest Pulliam additions, Holden and Sutton

PlayDoh Fun
We went out for a cousins dinner to Joe T's. We all had a really good time and everyone came back to our house for a bit after dinner.
Parker, Brett, Matt, Laura, Carrie, Chris, Me, Amy---First Cousins

The boys at the end of the table....Steven, Jacob, Aaron, Parker, Brett, Chris and Matt

My sis Carrie, and brother inlaw Cory
Then we had a get together at my dad's new house. All the kids had a blast swimming and playing. It's amazing how much we have all grown up and it's so much fun seeing all of our kids together.
Audrey, Gavin, Isabella and Gregory at the bar eating lunch

Carrie's oldest, Connor
Audrey, Caden (Carrie's youngest) and Gavin eating ice cream and popsicles

Audrey in her yellow polka dot bikini

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